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kupomogli said:
MDMAlliance said:
People claiming the New 3DS is a new console... the freaking system releases in two days and only has one "exclusive." If we were to count this as a totally separate system and part of a new generation, it would be an extremely short generation with literally only a handful of exclusives for the entirety of its life. The New 3DS sales are LITERALLY hanging onto the fact that the 3DS games are still coming out. Why? Because it's a 3DS remodel, not a new system. If it were a new system, it would have more exclusives and it would have been announced in a more grandiose manner.

In the end, the New 3DS owners are mostly going to be playing regular 3DS games. People saying that the GBA jump is pretty similar, it isn't. The GBA had its own games that you can attribute to it. The only game we know about for the New 3DS is a port, and the system is literally just about to release in Japan. Oh, and another thing you guys are missing is the fact that the New 3DS is still running on the 3DS OS... how is it NOT a 3DS?

When the N64 launched there were only two exclusives. 

Nintendo usually drops support at the drop of a hat as soon as they launch a new console, but with the New 3DS being backwards compatible, why drop support?  Sucker people into buying the old console, then when they realize that the game they want doesn't work and they'll need the new one, they'll have to buy that one too.

There was barely any GBA support after the release of the DS.  That didn't stop Nintendo from continuing to sell the GBA.  That didn't stop them from releasing the GBA Micro either.  Maybe some suckers will buy a new version of a console that's no longer being supported.  Or not.  The Micro bombed.

N64 was a totally different system from the SNES, that's not something you can dispute (especially given that the N64 was not backwards compatible).  Also, the New 3DS not only has only one "exclusive" (port), it is also the ONLY title we know about for any time in the immediate future for the system.  Also, you did not address the fact that the OS hasn't changed.  I think that's a pretty important detail.

Also, most console manufacturers continue support of their previous gen when they launch the new one, but they also focus their resources on their new gen console.  That is NOT happening with the New 3DS.  They didn't even make a whole big announcement for it.  If it were a new system, they would let people know, so that more people would be willing to buy it.  

Another thing is that you said that Nintendo usually drops support at the drop of a hat, which does seem to happen.  However, your reasoning for the New 3DS makes little sense, because the Wii U is backwards compatible, but they dropped support for the Wii "at the drop of a hat" regardless.  You can try to rationale that it's because they wanted to raise the appeal for the Wii U, but then you just contradict yourself because then that should mean that the regular 3DS should have support dropped.  Instead, we still have some relatively big titles to come for the 3DS.  

There's very little reason to think that the New 3DS is a new gen system.  Having exclusives doesn't suddenly change the generations, because it's pretty obvious the New 3DS is still in the 3DS Family (think about what generation even means).  If you want to count them separately, fine.  But the New 3DS is going to effectively be used as a regular 3DS with a handful of games that cannot be played on the original.