Family Misfortunes: Children Of Morta
By Adam Smith on October 6th, 2014 at 8:00 pm.
Children of Morta is attractive in a way that few games manage to be. You might think it’s going to be a retro pixel art thing at first but then you see the animations, you see how every single one is packed with more frames than an entire NES cartridge. There’s hardly any information about what the game is on the official site but it was described to me as a ‘narrative-based roguelike’. As well as looking the part, it appears to have a family-based class system, nifty hacking and slashing, and rad birthday parties, complete with cake and jiving. All of that is present and correct in the video below.
Now Hear This: Half-Life’s Subtitles Mod
By Alice O'Connor on October 6th, 2014 at 2:00 pm.
Hold on a second, chums. Look at that screenshot again. That’s the opening scene of Half-Life with subtitles. Pretty important atmosphere-setting, isn’t it, that train ride narration? It makes Black Mesa seem so much bigger than us. Half-Life used an awful lot of speech to reveal what was going on, from our one-sided conversations with scientists to soldiers yelling at each other. Here I pull off an incredibly adept pull-back-and-reveal: those subtitles were added by a mod which only came out this year. A new version’s now out, with new ways to make this side accessible to folks who can’t or don’t want to hear it.
Rain World’s New Engine Makes Animations Even Cuter
By Graham Smith on October 6th, 2014 at 10:00 am.
Good morning, friends! Are you looking out upon a blustery Monday morning and listening to the rain pelt against your window? Perhaps what we need to keep our spirits high is a different kind of Rain World. One populated by adorable slugcats, mesmerizing bat swarms, and deadly lizards propelled by physics animation systems. This Rain World has continued its progress onto a new engine and the latest Kickstarter post – titled Mega Bat and Lizard GIF update! – is worth the time it takes for these lovely animations to load.
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