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Cheebee said:
Michael-5 said:
Cheebee said:

 Ace Attorney 6 (3DS)

Are Ace Attorney 6 and The Great Ace Attorney the same game? Just curious, I still have to beat the 1st one......

Yes, they are. The game doesn't have an official Western name yet, so I find Ace Attorney 6 to be a better name. And shorter. I'm lazy like that.

Also, get on it! You have 4 more to finish after that!

I'm slowly catching up, got most of my 3DS stuff done, Ace Attorney is high on my DS list.

NobleTeam360 said:
green_sky said:

Last month to vote for Halo MCC and NobleTeam takes it out... Seriously though, any new negative news about it?

Been known for a while but I just found out that only 6 of the maps in MP are remade, that drops it off of my list of top 5 games. 

I got tired of Halo after Bungie left. Microsoft got too greedy, and the Halo 1 remake had a terribly flawed co-op/multiplayer mode. If I want multiplayer Halo, I have Destiny.

What is with all the hate? Don't read GamrReview Articles. Contact me to ADD games to the Database
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