thismeintiel said:
Lol, yea that is pretty funny. The only thing you would have to reduce is the AI. And let's be honest, that's just a BS excuse anyway, as I'm sure Unity's AI is nothing special compared to other 1080p games on the PS4. What's hilarious is some Xbox fans actually trying to say that this means the PS4 gimped the One version. Seems they don't understand that a slightly higher clockspeed does not equal better CPU. In fact, a couple websites did benchmarks on both CPUs and found that the PS4 slightly outperformed the XBOs, probably due to fewer bottlenecks. @ OP Ubisoft deserves all the hate, as well as the lower sales, they are going to get from this. Well, that is if they don't pull an AC4 and release a Day 1 patch that ups the res. Personally, if they do release a patch, I'll get it new. If they don't, I'll buy it used or not at all. Parity is not to be accepted. I don't remember devs running to the PS3's rescue early last gen and gimp the 360 version of multiplats, so why start now? MS money is really all I can think of. They do have exclusive advertising rights this time around. |
They deserve every bit of it. The Xbox fans who actually thought the Xbox version was gimped are delusional and willing to believe whatever possible to keep their hopes up for their brand of choice. Don't get me wrong, Sony fans can as well, but this is set in stone and has been since last year PS4 was tested and outperformed the Xbox One handily.We were all warned by Machinima that this would lead to worst case scenario politics causing a company to gimp the game. We all saw Microsofts reaction when Blizzard was having issues optimizing Diablo to 1080p on the Xbone. They cannot handle being second best. Clockspeed wont change things as you've said.