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Hiku said:

There are things in this arc I like, such as Isshin and Masaki's past. Though some thing I wonder about, like why they even introduced Halibel at the start of the arc? Perhaps it's saved for the end, but it seems odd how noting really came of it. And there have certainly been a lot of nice characters in the series. Some of my favorites are Yoruichi, Ulquiorra, Nell and Kenpachi. Though many of them suffer from lack of development. But that's not something unique to Bleach, but something common in many shounen series that has a large cast, so it was expected to happen. I think one exception to this rule was Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood, when it coems to the anime). Every character was still useful even by the end of the series. I found that refreshing.
I don't really find any of the newest characters from this arc interesting though (Especially Pepe...) except for the Quincy King, and those two brothers who were mentioned. One could copy someones appearance and the other could copy their abilities.

As for manga/anime with good characters, Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood), Durarara!!, and Code Geass are some of my favorites in that regard.
Durarara is finally getting a second season this January, which I'm very happy about.

It's one of Kubo's most annoying traits. Introducing characters for absolutely no reason -__-

I've found guys like Bazz B, Haschwalth, etc. to be really interesting though. I wonder if We'll see more Aizen.

and Zanka No Tachi, that alone is reason enough to love the manga IMO :D