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super_etecoon said:
The iOS/Android system is based on crappy games that crash all the time that you get for "free" after spending $100/month subscription to use the device. So many sectors in this economy have taken a hit because of the architecture available in smart phones. Think anyone buys a calculator anymore...or a flashlight...or porn.

To ask Nintendo to do what MS/Sony are doing to gain back an audience that they lost to Apple, Samsung, Google, etc, is to not understand the market Nintendo finds themselves in. I just don't think Nintendo will ever win back the "hardcore" crowd. They hate the kiddy games, and they hate when Nintendo tries to make something that isn't kiddy. That's my only point in all of this: Nintendo's problems are not necessarily of their own making. And I'd rather not lose a company to a generic status quo just to remain viable. As long as Nintendo can continue to create a device that ultimately will be profitable and thus ensure their future as a games developer, I won't mind that the system isn't as powerful as what MS/Sony continue to offer.

I personally love the graphics on the WiiU. Graphically there's a texture about most of the games that looks even more realistic than many of the "realistic" games that audiences currently enjoy. Maybe it's because I didn't jump in to an HD console last generation or because I don't have a high end PC, but it's enough for me. If I'm playing on a gimped system, it's hard for me to tell.

I think Nintendo should just go back to being more of the company they were in the 90s. They still basically made the same games, but you can't stop most of your Western development and then act befuddled that the West doesn't like your game systems. 

It's like Microsoft being dumb founded that the Japanese don't take to the XBox. 

I don't think they need to stop making any of the Japanese games they make, but they do need to swallow their pride and start investing in Western development again or they simply seriously cannot expect to have sustained success in the West. 

If I was at NOA one of my lead suggestions would be to cut a deal with Disney/Marvel for Avengers/Guardians games (similar to the Star Wars deal Nintendo had in the 90s). That's something that can work for Nintendo instantly and appeals to kids and older players at the same time. I'd snatch up the (currently available) James Bond license too.

If they want to appeal to kids too I think they need to expand the appeal of their internal IP. Kid Icarus should be a cartoon series. If LEGO, Transformers, Ninja Turtles can use Hollywood to make movies about toy blocks/robots/karate turtles, Nintendo should also be taking a serious look at that too. 

They need to hire someone ASAP who knows the Western market, because Iwata doesn't, and he's even admitted he doesn't really understand the Western market like the Japanese one.