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MCC has like 70k pre-orders, 8 weeks from launch, not very impressive (although it will probably grow expotentially as we get closer to launch)

Sony has DriveClub, LBP3 and Far Cry 4 with them. They are not big system sellers (with LBP3 having the most potential to push hardware) but that's still plenty of options for PS4 gamers, across three different genres.

The PS4 will do just fine. Besides, it's sitting on lik 60% something marketshare right now, that's pretty damn good if you ask me.

Lastly, Nintendo's holiday dominance is over. Their console is getting their asses handed to them by the PS3. Smash Bros will sales lots of console, but past that, not sure what they will do.

EDIT: It's also super cute you have to combine forces, instead of going at it individuallly. Very cute. Continue downplaying the PS4 though, it brings us joy.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian