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Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition – New Trailer Shows Gameplay Footage

Phoenix Online Studios has released a new trailer for Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition in which indie developers and industry veterans describe what they first felt when playing Gabriel Knight and what the series meant to them. This trailer also includes new gameplay footage from the game’s revamped version, so be sure to watch it you die-hard adventure fans. Enjoy! Continue reading


Dying Light – New Gameplay Developer Walkthrough – EGX 2014

During this year’s EGX, Techland and Warner Bros held a developer session for Dying Light. The panel was hosted by the Lead Game Designer, Maciej Binkowski, who shared some interesting new information about this upcoming zombie FPS title. In addition, Binkowski showed some brand new gameplay footage from it, so make sure to watch the video after the jump! Continue reading



X Rebirth Blasting Off To Teladi Outpost In First Expansion

By Alice O'Connor on September 29th, 2014 at 3:00 pm.

Smugglers and pirates are among the space-things coming to X Rebirth in its first expansion, The Teladi Outpost, developers Egosoft have announced. Almost a year after the space sim’s awful launch, they feel enough fires are out that they can start making new things. Egosoft still spraying foam and sealing off bulkheads, mind, as they plan to release another two big patches by the time the expansion launches in December. In recognition of the year of fire, pre-orders are free to current spacemen.

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FYI, Master Spy Demo And Trailer Offer Impossible Mission

By Graham Smith on September 29th, 2014 at 8:00 am.

A platform game! What’s this one about – controlling characters across dimensions simultaneously, cloning yourself infinite times to navigate metaphorical gloomspaces, or time travelling to work co-operatively with future and past versions of yourself? Waitaminute– Master Spy is platform game that’s actually about jumping!

And with considerable style, in both its conspiracy-laden pixel art cutscenes and its stealthy, obstacle-dodging platform hopping. The latest trailer represents both in ways that make me excited, and the demo backs it up.

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