Payday 2 Hotline Miami DLC launches on Tuesday; promises animal masks for all
The wait is nearly over. On Tuesday, you and up to three friends will be able to take on the result of a collaboration between Overkill and Dennaton Games: Payday 2 Hotline Miami. They’ve finally spilled the beans on exactly what bruising you’ll be getting up to too. You’ll be after a Russian mobster known as The Commissar - a person of interest to your mysterious partner, The Dentist.
One thing’s for sure - there’s going to be a few bloody noses before it’s over.
Visceral on Battlefield Hardline: "we take shipping a working game pretty seriously"
We can all remember the bug-ridden launch of Battlefield 4, which thankfully has gotten a lot better these days. DICE sure does, and it also extends to Visceral - the developers of the upcoming Battlefield Hardline. Speaking to GameRevolution at this year’s Tokyo Game Show, creative director Ian Milham wants to reassure us that this time it will be different.
“What you're basically asking is, 'Is your game going to work?' and the answer is yes, it's gonna work.”
Reflex movement trailer shows off how to go from A to B in style
Movement in FPS has largely taken the back seat in recent times: you hold sprint, have a single jump and be done with it. Well Reflex aims to harken back to the days where being able to bounce around the map skillfully was considered king. Developers Turbo Pixel have included various “trickjumps” to help players move across an arena not only with speed, but while looking good at the same time.
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