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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Two New Screenshots Show Incredible In-Game Character Models

NeoGAF’s member ‘Turin Turambar‘ has uncovered two high-resolution images that showcase the incredible attention to detail of The Witcher 3’s characters. In case you’re wondering then yes; those are in-game assets (notice the square-ish fingers for example). Now while these are definitely in-game character models, we’re pretty unsure whether they will be packed with this quality of textures. It’s no secret that CDPR loves sharpening filters, so these could very well be slightly touched up images. Nevertheless, they do look great so go ahead and take a look at them! Continue reading


Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 8: Engine Power

TaleWorlds Entertainment has released a new dev blog video for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, via which the team is offering us a glimpse of some of the features of its new engine. TaleWorlds Entertainment has also detailed the reasons why it’s building this new engine. Kudos to our reader ‘Umair Khan’ for bringing this to our attention. Enjoy! Continue reading


Tom Clancy’s The Division – EGX 2014 Developer Session, Features New Gameplay Footage

During this year’s EGX event, Ubisoft held a developer session for Tom Clancy’s The Division. Brand Art Director Rodrigo Cortes hosted the panel and showed some new gameplay sequences and screenshots from the game, as well as some tech demos from the engine that will be powering it. The Division is currently planned for a 2015 release on PC, Xbox One and PS4. Enjoy! Continue reading

Ex-DICE Dev On EA’s Influence On DICE, Battlefield 4’s Launch Problems & Frostbite Mod Tools

In a Reddit IAMA, Tim “stormonster” Kjell, a 26 year old Swedish Game Designer that worked on games like Battlefield, Mirror’s Edge, Frostbite, Medal of Honor and more, answered a lot of questions surrounding the games he’s been involved with. In addition, Tim talked a bit about EA’s influence on DICE, the launch issues that Battlefield 4 faced, and offered an explanation as to why we have not received any mod tools for all Frostbite-powered games. Continue reading

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