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What did i say about overthinking things? You already know she will be in class.. Thats enough for now..
Dumb? Brilliant? Its borderline Desperate on a slim chance she takes the bus... Like i said.. Relax.. Save your energy.. At this point i'm 100% sure you'll have a sleepless night that Tuesday, which ain't good but there is nothing we can do about only you can. So.. Don't waste energy on thing you don't know how to handle with too many variables: does she take the bus, what if she's with a friend, there is a .001 chance you'll sit next to her etc..

We need you sharp for that hour of coffee drinking. The rest of the day doesn't matter. Be grumpy, mean, evil for the rest of the day, but that moment: be the man


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)