League of Legends launching in Japan; world dominance almost complete
At this year's Tokyo Game Show 2014, Riot have announced that their pedigree MOBA, League of Legends, is heading to Japan. Working together with Japan’s Logitech company, Logicool, they plan to put up Japanese servers in the very near future. That is of course, after a full localization has been performed, similar to that of the Korean version of the game.
NVIDIA: “Ten Million Gamers Around The World Bought Into The GTX680 Class Of GPUs”
During his GAME24 keynote, NVIDIA’s CEO Jen-Hsun Huang revealed that more than ten million gamers have bought into the GTX680 class of GPUs. Now that’s a huge number, right? Well, this may not actually be what most of you expect, as Jen-Hsun presented that sales number in a way that both a) makes sense and b) sounds huge. Continue reading
John Carmack Is Pushing Hard For Asynchronous Time Warp On The PC, Best Thing Coming From Mobiles
During Oculus Connect 2014, John Carmack took the stage and talked for one hour and a half about various topics. The guru programmer talked about his relationship with Samsung, solutions for various issues present in Oculus Rift’s DK2, the ability to fully enjoy a VR experience, as well as the most important result coming from the mobile environment that is no other than the asynchronous time warp notion. Continue reading
DirectX 11.3 Revealed, Will Support Existing DX11 GPUs, Will Be Packed With A Number Of DX12 Features
During GAME24, Microsoft revealed DirectX 11.3. DX11.3 will be supported by all existing DX11 GPUs (or at least that’s the plan) and will be made available next year. DX11.3 will feature almost all features of DX12 (albeit its lower CPU Overhead benefits). This means that DX11.3 will support Ordered Rasterizer View or Rasterizer Ordered Views, Typed UAV Load, Volume Tiled Resources and Conservative Grid. Continue reading
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