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Question is tho do we consider Bethesda Softworks and Warner Interactive big publishers?

Because tho The Elder Scrolls and Fallout have been huge hits. That is just the output of one studio. Most of the other games haven't done very well at all with bombs like WET, Brink, Hunted: The Demon's Forge, Rogue Warrior and arguably RAGE tho it sold better than the others it had much higher expectations. More recently they have had success with Dishonored and Wolfenstein: The New Order. The Elder Scrolls online seems to be doing ok but hardly amazing. But they do have several upcoming games that could do very well like The Evil Within and DOOM 4. As well as the F2P bet with Battlecry. They are still nowhere near the output of the likes of EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Square Enix, Take 2/Rockstar, Namco Bandai or Capcom.


Warner Bros Interactive have certainly had success with the Batman Arkham games, Mortal Kombat and the Lego games. But nothing of real note outside of those, well they have Scribblenauts but that is hardly a mega franchise and they also put out F.E.A.R. 3 and some other movie tie ins. They have some big games coming up like Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Mad Max and Dying Light. Which all could potentially be hits. And also major itterations in their big franchises Mortal Kombat X, Batman: Arkham Knight and Lego Batman 3. As well as some smaller projects like Gauntlet.


The likes of 505 Games, 1C Company, Paradox Interactive etc are doing well but I think they are content to be smaller publishers. And aren't really making AAA mega franchise bets.

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