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Dude, it doesn't take any skill to emulate.  It's just a matter of finding the emulator for the system you want.

And no, it wouldn't be integrated into your touch controls; the emulators I've used let you bind your controls to keyboard or gamepad or whatever device you want.  That's the point of emulation - it may not be compatible with iOS, but it doesn't really care what hardware or peripherals you use.  Does your iPad have USB ports?  If so, just get yourself a generic gamepad with a USB plug.  That's what I use for emulated Mega Drive games on my PC.

And since I don't want to get into trouble, I should state for the record that yes... I still own my Mega Drive and games.  They're all stuffed into a cabinet, but I own them.  Emulation is just more convenient for me.

The iPad doesn't have USB ports. I really like the iPad because it's convenient and easy to use. It's good for simple browsing and smaller mobile games. Besides that, it's useless. it's no laptop.

I might buy a PC though eventually. Just like I might buy an N64. I just need money and, well, that's it I guess.