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Aerys said:
drake_tolu said:
Wii U.

The people overestimate the Japan game boost for PS4.
With BloodBorne, or Tekken 7, PS4 will sell less than with Destiny, because the big +200% isn't for the game(even for this), but for the PS4 white. And if you think that this is impossible, Wii U with Pikmin have sold more than with Mario Kart, so...

PS4 will sell for ONE week 18,000-20,000 with this game, and the basis will be less than 10,000.
Probabily 9K.
Wii U basis? 8K, and more than 12,000 with the games (15,000-17,000 with Zelda, if not more)

PS4: basis 9K, with games 18-20K
WiiU: basis 8K, with game 15-17K

But so, if PS4 will sell more with the games, and with the basis, why Wii U will sell more?
For the holidays.
Wii U will easy sell again +100K the week before chrismas, PS4 maximum 70,000-75,000, and for all December and maybe November will be Wii U>PS4, and this is the 2 more important month.

So, for little number's, Wii U will sell more.

By 2016, PS4 will sell more for sure with Final Fanatsy and maybe KH3, but even with this, don't expect big boost for PS, but the basis will be more than 10K, maybe 12,000.

Nop, you forget too much things in your analysis, PS4 has more system seller and can push much more than 20k, you forget games like MGS V, Yakuza or FF Type 0,  Dragon Quest Heroes ( for sure it will push much more than 100k alone ( depending on how many collector they have )) and all the other games. PS4 will have at least 20 average system seller to push it to 15-20k, while Wii U has 3 or 4 at the best.

And FFXV could release in 2015 too, which would be a total win for PS4 during christmas

Honestly, i think that even Metal Gear P.P will coming in 2016...With this PS4 will probabily sell 25,000-30,000, but not next year.


If Final Fantasy XV, and Metal Gear Solid V will resaled next year, PS4 will outsell Wii U, but i don't think, so, PS4 will outsell Wii U the first time in 2016, IMHO.