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No, I wasn't kidding.  As I've said previously, I was out of gaming for quite a few years, so there's probably a ton of stuff that I've missed.  And I've honestly never been a huge follower of Nintendo's franchises anyway.  I know the really famous ones like Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong... but I'm sure there are plenty I'm not familiar with.

To be clear, I'm not a hater by any means; Nintendo are just a little hit and miss for me.  They have a lot of stuff that doesn't really interest me, but they also have a handful of stuff that I love.  For example, I'm sure the COD fans will yell at me, but Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are still my two favourite shooters.  And it's not just nostalgia speaking either - I still play them.

Speaking of which, did you ever find out if you could download them on the Wii or something?

Kirby is old 1990's old. (first game 1992)

Nintendo has been hit & miss for me lately as well which is why I sold my Wii U. They still have a lot of great series though.

Nope. I haven't turned my Wii on for 8 months

I looked it up though. Microsoft owns Perfect Dark so that won't be coming. Goldeneye was also developed by Rare so I'm assuming that's why that is unavailable too. Heck, Nintendo hasn't even put up Donkey Kong 64 yet.