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MDMAlliance said:

They haven't actually specifically mentioned Wii U specific modes, but they have made clear that they will be there since before the 3DS exclusive content was announced.  

However, I think the way things are being handled are way more complex than you're making it out to be.  In my opinion, how well the Wii U version sells is still up in the air (relative to the 3DS version).  

When you want to look at how a certain game will sell, it's not always best (especially for games with multi-million person userbases) to rely on your personal feelings on purchasing games.  Many times, we are not the majority so if WE don't feel like purchasing the game, it doesn't mean most of anyone else doesn't want to as well.  Their rationale doesn't quite fit the whole "if the 3DS version seems the same, I'll get the 3DS version" scenario all the time.  There are plenty of other factors.  Some people I know want the Wii U version (even though they don't have one) because they can use a gamecube controller for it or play it on a big screen.  It's possible that these people may represent a larger number of people than those who think of it the way you do.

But again, you could be right... but what you said doesn't nearly cover the entire thing.  I personally think the most likely scenario is that the 3DS version will sell more, but the Wii U version will sell a relatively large number of copies (compared to the installed base).

I know that not everyone feels the same as me, but I also know that Nintendo can't afford to take any chances when it comes to the Wii U's success.  If everyone had a Wii U then this would be different, and I would be psyched that the 3DS version was getting so much love.  But the Wii U is bombing hard, and this is one of the few games that the general populace cares about.  I'm sure plenty of people will buy a Wii U because of Smash, but how many won't?  How many 3DS Smash buyers will skip the system because Nintendo gave them the ability to do so?  To me, any amount is unacceptable, and I feel it's a bigger problem than most people seem to think.

I guess my point is that even if it ends up having less of an impact than I expect, it's still a really idiotic thing for Nintendo to do.  People are giving weight to some of the Wii U's upcoming games, but I'm of the opinion that beyond Marko Kart, Smash, Mario and Zelda, nothing's going to sell a lot of systems.  To cannibalize the sales of any of those games is just insane.

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