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Dylan Sommers


Several minutes have passed since the ship crashed, and Dylan started to formulate his own theories on what happened to the plane. As he returned to the gathering site, he watched Nina patching up other members of the team. It's not like he needed attention, he only received a bash to the head. Little did Dylan know was that more blood started to trickle down his forehead, streaming on his nose and lips. His vision blurred again, he felt a sharp pain on his forehead. He knew he was losing balance, so he separated his legs a bit to try to stay up. But he collapsed on his knees. His hands immediately planted on the ground so he didn't fall face down on the floor. The blood now went through his hair, making drops on a few of his bangs, finally trickling on the ground. His arms were trembling.

"That's what happens for being an stubborn sonuvabitch, Dylan. Never underestimate a cut." he thought, "Now no one will help you for being an asshole to them."

Even though his vision was blurry, he could see the a small blood puddle forming on the ground. He'd probably pass out due to blood loss since he's not the most popular member of the team, and supplies were running out. Or hopefully, the blood would coagulate on the wound, stopping the bleeding.