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Wonktonodi said:
I'd be interested in everyone's opinions on radish prof and Padib

I'll go into these three in more detail at some point today. For now:


Radish: Been posting very little; most of his posts are to do with the actual flavour of the game moreso than anything else and much of his play was centred around a no-lynch. So far, difficult to read. I'd put him maybe ever so slightly on the scum side but certainly nothing major.

TheProf: I've only played one game with him before and this game he's taking a completely different approach which has thrown up a couple of inconsistancies such as the whole Terran Town thing.. As with Radish, I'm not too sure what to say.

Padib: A bit of a mixture between Radish and TheProf; not posted much (though with legitimate reasoning which I cannot hold against him) and with some bizzare inconsistancies similar to that of TheProf with the whole Terran Town debacle. Also this latest power role claim rubs me up the wrong way as you could probably tell. It's a very random move; almost like he's been forced into it. That worries me.


If of these three, only one is town, at this point I would suspect Padib. However it's a long game and there's a long way to go. Will be keeping an eye on them and such when I'm not so painfully tired, ofcourse. 

You know; normally it's polite for people to give their opinion before asking for that of others. Perhaps you could provide a summary of your opinion?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.