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Vena said:

DélioPT said:

As far as i know, tablets don`t really have GBs and GBs of space to handle several games. Consoles can handle it because you can get the games in a store or have a external disk next to your console.

Nintendo are compression masters. Their mainline games run in the single digits for GBs. Build the tablet with a MicroSD slot, and you're golden for space issues (most developers don't bother compressing their games well if at all... Naughty Dog... >.>). In fact, it'd be a good marketting tool too because so many manufacturers cut out the MicroSD slot to force use of tools like Cloud or simply to incentivize people buying the next "bigger thing" once they start running out of room.

It's a dirt cheap little piece of technology too...

Most Nintendo games are small (not W101, that`s for sure) but next generation i don`t think all Nintendo games will be that small in size.

Still, the focus of the tablet would be old games so it doesn`t compete with the new consoles.