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In many of the websites, I read them like this:

10: Incredible, astounding, memorable. GOTY nominee by default and GOTG nominee.
9.9-9.0: An excellent game with tons of replay value.
8.9-8.0: A good game that it's worth to pick up.
7.9-7.0: Decent game with its obvious flaws. Replay value drops dramatically.
6.9-5.5: Not very good. Flaws overshadows the good stuff. Fans of the game will buy it regardless.
5.4-3.0: Typical unfinished game that doesn't deserve any attention.
2.9-0: Atrocious, insulting, offending. Blatant and obvious cash grab.

Sure, there is more depth in my scoring, but I'm not gonna write a wall of words.