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Warlocks’ a co-op brawler programmed by a man with no hands


The PC’s seeing a surge in shared screen co-op games of late and Warlocks looks to be a great addition to their number. Allowing for up to four-player local co-op and online play, it’s on you and your friends to battle with hordes of beasts and bosses as you fight through a series of worlds overtaken by the evil’s armies.

Throw into the mix procedurally generated loot and ten different warlocks, each with their own moves sets, and you’ve a whole pile of fun.

Oh, and the entire thing was programmed by a man with no hands.

Quite the feat.

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Minecraft sale to Microsoft apparently started by Notch


There’s a rumour going around that Markus ‘Notch’ Persson is setting up to sell Minecraft to Microsoft for $2 billion. What’s new to that rumour is that apparently it wasn’t Microsoft who approached Notch but the other way round. It looks like he wants to get the property off his hands.

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Homeworld Remastered trailer shows how Gearbox have rebuilt Relic’s cinematics


Speaking at Pax Prime Gearbox’s Steve Gibson talked about the current state of Homeworld Remastered. He says that the company started by thinking it would be a pretty quick project, releasing the original Homeworld with high res textures and some model work.

It’s becoming a lot more than that as the interview and video reveals.

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