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Player2 said:

Yeap. Magic-User can't pick up chests or push stuff if I remember correctly. Sometimes other characters can open a locked chest from behind without spending a key, but if it has a trap it'll trigger. Thief can open all chests without keys. Dwarf can turn opened wooden crates into gold coins if he hits them before they vanish. But more importantly the content inside varies depending on who opens it. As a rule of thumb, Magic-user and Elf get more healing items than the others.

EDIT - Did you guys fight the Red Dragon (not the final boss)?

Great tips all around, and thanks! Yeah, we only managed to kill the sorceress-dragon lady. I assumed the summoned demon thing is fightable, since the army NEVER saves the day in fantasy games, but we didn't meet the requirements. I gather it has something to do with difficulty level or number of deaths?