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Dylan Sommers


A loud blast jolted Dylan forward.

"What, who!?" he gasped frantically, "What the hell was that!?"

He saw a burly guy and a slender woman aiming their empty RPG's at a pool of a liquid with a slimy consistency. The same slime was dripping from the wall and ceiling. By the looks of it, an alien just got into the ship.

"Damn it! Why the hell did you two shoot an RPG in a plane?!" Dylan yelled while making stiff expressions with his hands, "What the hell do you want to do? Blow us all up before the mission starts, huh!?"

He could observe a couple of members giggling at his overreaction. He clenched his teeth and growled.

"Jesus H. Christ!" Dylan raised his voice again so everyone could hear him, "I'm dealing with amateurs here!"

He returned to his same sleeping position, but he was still pretty jacked up. He stood up angrily and stormed out of the room.

"Screw this. I can't even get some beauty sleep here. This is the last straw. 'Hey, wanna shoot a missile in a plane?' 'Jeez Louise, sure I do'. No sense of self-preservation. Damn it all..."

There were still some giggles from a couple of his teammates as his rambling diminished in volume as he disappeared on a dark hallway.


Off the record: Is it okay to say the "F-word" at least once in a post? I wouldn't litter the word in a post unnecessarily, but I still ask so I don't get in trouble later for not knowing.