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reggin_bolas said:
nomad said:
reggin_bolas said:
Guys there is no such thing as a complimentary console or a secondary console. That's anti-consumerism. Companies shouldn't force you to buy more than one to play your favorite games.

Would it make sense for you to buy a Mac and a PC to play different computer-based games? No it doesn't.

Nintendo is becoming obsolete and irrelevant in the hardware industry.

You've got it backwards. Buying more is consumerism, buying less is anti.


a modern movement for the protection of the consumer against useless, inferior, or dangerous products, misleading advertising,unfair pricing, etc.

Ok but that has little to do with what you've said. Regulations and labels are a result of what that definition is talking about. That definition does not go against healthy competition (multiple consoles). Also, no one is being forced, nor does secondary consoles decrease consumer confidence.