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Gnac said:
reggin_bolas said:
Gnac said:
If you want Nintendo games, then a PS4 or Xbone is terrible value. People want Nintendo games, therefore, a place exists for Nintendo hardware.

Yeah but most people don't want that, if they did you'd see higher volume of sales for the Wii U. Third party games still matter.

You can't build a competitive hardware business catering only to loyal fans who number 20 million or less. Many of whom wait until the later years of the cycle to support the product. 

That is the Nintendo spiral toward irrelevance. 

I'd potentially buy a true-HD console if they also secured some other exclusive like RE back in the GC era. I'm not buying a Nintendo console just to play Mario. Sorry that's not realistic. 

You can isolate any niche product whatsoever, and claim that it's irrelevant because there are other similar products which sell more. Meanwhile, people are still buying and talking about this particular niche product, maintaining its relevance.

You think Nintendo management and shareholders are content with future sales projections of 20 million or less per cycle? Please.