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Soriku said:
Dulfite said:

1. Just because I'm saved by Christ doesn't mean I am perfect. I still have many sinful moments in my life. My past/present/future moments of idolizing things are sins, but God will not punish me I am saved by HIS Son The Christ.

2. I can not explain to you the hope one has when they have Christ. I myself have that hope and nothing on Earth can overwhelm me when I concentrate on that. Christianity may appear to be "putting people down" and "offering a cure that's not even needed" but that is simply man being tempted away from God (either by his own fleshly sin or influenced by the devil and his demons). 

God created man. Man sinned.

Time and time again in the Bible and in modern days man sins against God, yet God withholds his anger from destroying humanity. Time and time again HE forgives those who sin against HIM. That's what the Bible shows us. God provided ways for people to atone for their sins in the Old Testament and HE provided the ultimate way for people to be forgiven in Christ Jesus the savior. Literally all someone has to do is accept God's son as their savior and they will be forgiven of their sins (both past and future). And once you have Christ, you will truly be free (as I and all other believers know).

At best this is a concept. It's completely unprovable. We do bad things because humans can be dicks. We don't need salvation though...we just need to work together more closely to make things better. In the end, our actions were what led us into the 21st century. We need less prayer, more actions. You can see all the good prayer has done for the Israel/Palestine situation (hint: prayer is doing nothing). Or for any other conflict.

If you're forced to stop feeling a certain way, i struggle to call that freedom.

1. We, as humans, have accomplished nothing good throughout our history when we depend on our own "englightened" mindsets and avoid the mind of God. The Roman empire that was meant to bring order? Talk about a LOT of wars a LOT of oppression and a WHOLE LOT of corruption. The Middle Ages that was supposed to make Europe civilized? Assassinations, political and religious corruption everywhere, and slavery all over the place. The Renaissance? Do I even need to comment on all the revolutions that took place around the world that killed so many people so violently? World war 1, 2, the Cold war, and now this nonstop Capitalistic west vs. crazy radical islamic mindset? Whenever we humans take initiative to change the world for the "better" we do horrible things while attempting to justify it with small gains. We never have, nor are now, nor ever will be able to "make things better" by ourselves. We need God. HE created us. HE has the best plan for us. And time and time again when humans trust God through Christ Jesus their lives change forever in a incomprehensibly wonderful way. Our actions have lead to thousands of years of war, murder, and the overall degredation of life and morals. Prayer is what we need and thankfully we have someone speaking to God on our behalf for those of us who have accepted HIM as our savior (Jesus Christ).

2. Regarding the Israel/Palestine situation. If you have read the Bible then you know Israel has been, is, and will continue to be persecuted by the world throughout it's history as a nation. If the world is anti God due to Satan's grasp on it, then of course the world will find a way to be anti God's chosen people. I suspect the only thing the devil hates almost as much as god are Israel and Christians.