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My thoughts are the same as they've ever been:

1. A game industry without Nintendo hardware is, I'm sorry, a gaming industry I'm simply not interested in. I'd likely still try out new indie games on Steam, but that'd pretty much be it. I'd be mostly done.

2. Pachter is a nobody who makes comments like this to people who are INVESTING in video gaming. He holds no actual knowledge of gaming, gamers, game development, gaming history, you name it. He only comments on what he thinks as far as sales and trends go. He's a tool, and so is anyone who puts too much stock in the BS he says. The only reason anyone even knows who he is, is because GameTrailers wasted their time giving him a "show". Otherwise? Not a single one of us would even know who he is, much less hear/read about these dumb ass things he has to say. And we'd all, every single one of us, be better off for it. lol