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Ka-pi96 said:
impertinence said:
It is in Patchers' interest that Nintendo fails, since his stock advice will then have paid of for Wedbush or whoever's clients. Always keep that in mind when indulging in his insights.

It wouldn't just be in his best interest though

What do you mean? That it's also not in his best interest if Nintendo fails? Or there are other entities that would also benefit from Nintendo failing? No matter what you are driving at it has no relation to the point I am making which is this: Patcher has a monetary interest in Nintendo stock going down. He is being paid by people to give opinions on stock, if he is right, people make money of his advice and will keep paying him for his advice. If he is wrong, people will lose money and after a while he will be out of a job. So, when Patcher rags on Nintendo with semingly nonsensical analysis he is doing it not to get a rise out of people on VGChartz, he is doing it to discourage people from buying the platform and more importantly, spread FUD amongst investors about Nintendo to keep the stock stagnant or moving down.

If you understand this fact, you understand Patcher and why he keeps hammering the same points even though he is often very wrong.