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Ka-pi96 said:
Soundwave said:
Ka-pi96 said:

But I don't think that would be so succesful. Microsoft know how to get the western audience, the COD and GTA audience, Nintendo don't. Nintendo know how to get the Japanese audience, and those that like platformers. They should play to their strengths. Maybe even a Nintendo is in full control of marketing in Japan while Microsoft is in full control of marketing in the US could work then?

The whole point is they bring together different audiences. That's a bonus, not a minus, why would you want to join with a company that just does well in the same areas you already provide well in?

That's why the Disney deal for Marvel + Star Wars works well ... the average Marvel fan may not give two sh*ts about Mickey Mouse or Wall-E, but they bring Disney a ton of money that they wouldn't be getting otherwise. 

Yeah that's what I'm saying. I don't think they would bring together different audiences if Nintendo were dominant in the agreement, only if they had equal control over it.

The average consumer would not know (or care) about the corporate politics behind a deal, they would just see one system that has Halo, Mario, Zelda, Gears of War, Sunset Overdrive, Mario Kart, Metroid, Smash, Xenoblade, Forza, Monster Hunter, and all third party games versus a Sony one with Uncharted, GOW, Last of Us and they'd make their choice based on those differences. 

Does the average Marvel fan/movie goer really care think all that much about Disney having influence over movies like The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy when they go to pay their $9 at the box office? Doesn't seem like it, if anything it seems to me consumers regard Disney's involvement in these IP as a positive (ie: I hope the next Star Wars is good, because Disney did a good job with Marvel stuff).