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Ka-pi96 said:
Since it's now it's own thread I'll post my reply from the previous thread here as well.

Yeah, that's not really a good plan. A Microsoft/Nintendo partnership could work but not like that.

Nintendo shouldn't be in charge of everything like you suggest. It is a partnership, they should split it and play to their strengths. Microsoft should be the lead brand for home consoles while Nintendo should be lead brand for handhelds. Microsoft shouldn't pay Nintendo a penny for it, your idea of that and the profit split would heavily favour Nintendo, that isn't really a partnership. They should however both pay equally for the marketing.

Iwata should absolutely not be in charge worldwide. He does well in Japan, but not elsewhere. Let him be in charge of the Japanese section, which would also be the main part of the handheld division. Phil Spencer should do the same, be in charge of the American section which is also the main home console division.

For branding again that should be Microsoft mainly for home console and Nintendo for handheld, although maybe have Nintendo the main brand for the home console in Japan to help sales over there.

Both consoles should have some input from both companies so the OS and what not would be mutually agreed upon, with Microsoft having final say on home consoles and Nintendo handhelds.

Your final part just isn't possible. That is way too soon to R&D a new joint console, especially one that powerful. Even if they could pull it off then it would either be way too expensive for people to buy or would be sold at a massive loss. 2019 would probably be a more doable year, a handheld however would be feasible for 2017.

I would reccomend making a new brand entirely to be honest. With MS + Nintendo combined marketing dollars and tons of exclusives behind it would soon become the defacto brand. 

I just mean in the sense that Nintendo's logo is maybe a little higher on the box than MS. 

Which I think again MS is OK with, MS works in harmony with many different hardware vendors like this as an OS company all the time. 

Let Nintendo have their shine, they are basically a game only company, MS doesn't need that. Nintendo needs it to sell the deal to their Japanese board, MS can take the "high road" knowing that getting Windows OS to kids playing Mario/Mario Kart on Nintendo handhelds is in the long term a far bigger win for them than just selling someone an XBox over a Playstation. 

Even if they couldn't get a console done for 2017, I think 2018 would be doable and I quite frankly don't think Sony could match the combined number of exclusives (see my above post). Head-to-head it's a favorable match up for Ninty/MS.