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how is wii u a late success? anyway I think he's right this time. Nintendo games are great, but it's not like they'd be any different on other platforms. right now wii U is just a underpowered piece of hardware with a peculiar controller that's not used in a meaningful way. if developers really want to use the pad, they could do something similar with ps4+vita, but even so I don't think this really adds something to the experience. of course it's completely different for nintendo handheld. nintendo produced a highly innovative device with the DS and introduced the 3D with the 3DS, which is an important feature in my opinion.
Wii U, on the other hand, tries to innovate but doesn't succeed in doing so.
Also it is true that Nintendo has no desire to lears from others, and this is what I really don't understand. Very bad online structure (at least in my country), no interest in 3rd party opinions and basically a complete lack of undertanding of western preferences for games and other features. hope they can sort things out with their next console.