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A lot of people, Pachter included, think of WiiU as competition to X1/PS4. I think that they are wrong, WiiU is complementary to those two consoles, and is generally after a different target market.
People looking for more mature, third party offerings will hardly ever consider buying WiiU, and need to wileigh pros and cons of the other two. That's why MS and Sony act and advertise in such a manner. Others, looking for more specific titles, will go to WiiU, and Nintendo basically has no competition in that field.
Sure, such market is smaller by comparison, but is still viable in the long run.

I liken those to food: MS and Sony operate restaurants, offering soups, meat, fish, pasta, vegetables etc, they get a lot of traffic and make money, but they constantly need to advertise and change menus in order to attract consumers to their side of the street.
Nintendo is a pastry/icecream shop. Sure, you can have some sweets over at MS/Sony, but they are usually generic, while Nintendo has a sweet of every flavor. Some people will visit them after their meal for some quality dessert, some will only eat sweets even without eating in restaurants. And sure, less traffic will be there, but still at a nice profit, instead of closing the store and simply taking a cut from delivering icecream to the restaurants.

There is a place for Nintendo hardware in the current market. And I believe Nintendo knows that as well, therefore they keep plugging along, humming to their own tune, without regard to the other two. And they'll be just fine.