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Ka-pi96 said:
Madword said:

That came in for Criticism from the Users.. Sony just said they didnt know and they hoped it would. So again, totally different from the situation people are complaining about. And Yes its still the userbase, but what MS has done in both counts is not particularly good.

We care because this is a gaming discussion forum first and foremost... some people are saying its ok and funny, but others are saying its not ok. That is a good discussion to have.

I personally dont think its ok (the ad was funny but from a business point of view it was wrong to do it). I also thought the TR deal was dodgy too, that was restricting a game that had already had previous games coming out on a platform just because of money, but that wasnt just an MS problem that was a SE problem. I hate those types of exclusivity deals... DLC I dont care as much about... but it is annoying.

That is what this thread is about though. Whether the regular users have double standards in regards to Sony and Microsoft, not what the companies themselves think.

I agree with a lot of your post actually
Although you criticise the Tomb Raider deal, have Sony too not made similar deals? Would you criticise them as well? If so, then fair enough, I can agree with you

Well to be fair if Sony pulled the stunt I would definately be less unhappy because i have a PS4... but I honestly still wouldnt like it. What I want from a console manufacturer is to make games that I wont get anywhere else... the keyword being *make*... I dont want to block them from other consoles or prevent games coming out that doesnt add value to the industry at all, I want them to invest in studios and make those games that wouldnt get made otherwise...

I purchased both TR on PS3/PS4... to me SE is more to blame than MS, but if the deal didnt exist there would have been no temptation for them to take it. Sony have certainly done deals like this in the PS2/1 days, but as I didnt like consoles back then, it didnt affect me. The most annoying on PS3 was the Fallout DLC, I loved that game, but DLC was delayed like 6-12 months on PS3... and I felt agrieved because I had *invested* my money twice in that game, on PC and PS3.

I just dont like the TR practice, i feel it adds no value, and I dont like it if Sony or MS do it. For small crappy DLC like what Sony is doing on Destiny... I feel less bothered by that, who cares about a special gun or hats or crap like that. But whole expansion DLC/Games... just no.

If you want a TR like game make it. For me it shows me what I need to know about MS, that they are not really serious about this business sometimes... , they are more interested in *just* winning, and for me that is not enough. Thats one of the major reasons I wont buy a XBO until it is really cheap, and only if DR3 hasnt come out on PS4.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!