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General rules:

· You can’t kill other players’ characters. (Unless the Narrator or the player himself is okay with it). Killing NPCs is acceptable within context.

· You can roleplay your character however way you want. That means you can insult, punch, be mean or a truly asshole; but that is only during the roleplay. Do NOT use the game to mock other people outside their RP character. Do NOT use the information gathered here to attack other users outside the game. In short, do NOT take advantage of the roleplaying adventure to hold grudges with people – doing so will get yourself knocked out of the game and also, moderated.

· Try to adjust to some sort of context; there’s no limit or barrier to what you character can or cannot do (well, there is, but we’ll explain it later), but roleplay it according to whatever is going on. For example, you can kill NPCs, but you wouldn’t randomly kill a pedestrian while going to purchase some milk from the local store.

· Bolded things or situations are something you can’t ignore, or can’t get your way around it. If, for example, I say that X character is stuck inside a car, said character cannot get out of it, no matter what he does. He would require help from others. (But do not worry, bolded situations are extreme ones, so they are rare).

· Let’s try to avoid “metaplaying”: knowing the facts despite your own character being oblivious to it. Let’s assume one of the characters enter a room and retrieves a gem, but no one else sees it. When that character reunites with the others, don’t go out and say “Hey, let me see that gem”, because, we all read how he grabbed it, but your character didn’t. This is in no way punishable because metaplaying tends to happen even if you didn’t really mean it (after all, this is a game), but let’s try to avoid it if we can.

· Please, do not use icons such as : ) ; ) : P …etcetera; they are ugly when roleplaying. Even if you wink, just say that you do.

è A-> Alternatively, if you’re texting a message, it is acceptable to put it on the message.

· Use your own personal posting style. This is a game which is fundamentally played by writing. Do not worry if you think your posting style sucks, or that other people is better at writing than you. Seriously, this is no writing competition. It’s just a matter of having fun.

· That being said, let’s try that each post has, at least, two lines of texts. Do not simply say “yes”, let’s try to give a bit of depth to whatever we do.

->  .> If the situation truly only allows you to say “yes”, then by all means do it. You’re not being punished for writing less!

· If you think something is being unjust, feel free to argue it with me, the Narrator. I can be mean at times, but my main objective is that you guys have fun. If a rule or a situation is being too obtuse, simply PM me and we’ll find a solution, or we erase that rule if it is making too much trouble!


Specific rules: (You do not need to follow these, but it would be appreciated)

· Try posting your character’s avatar whenever you are posting. That would help a lot when things get too crowded with messages.

è Just go to a previous post, copy the image then post it on your new post. Easy!

· Try not to be overbearing when posting with another user. Unless the Narrator says so, there aren’t “turns” when posting, especially when characters are on different places so that the flow of people chatting isn’t broken, but…well, just take others into consideration a bit. One or two pages of you guys talking is okay – twenty-three…well…errr…

· Try to be “realistic”. That term is loosely used here because of circumstances, (and let’s be honest, we do not want things too realist because that’s just boring) but remember that you can’t carry with everything, or if you’re hurt you can’t do whatever you want.

· If you need to say something outside the roleplaying game, write OTR (Off the record) then post it. Not every post must be 100% roleplaying, always. You might want to say something to other user, or admire them as a player for something he might have done.

è You can also roleplay, then in the same post, at the end, OTR’d something. Especially if you’re going to be absent, it would be very appreciated for everyone if you say it in OTR.

· If you feel the necessity of doing so, you can post images. (Of course, relevant to whatever is happening)

· Although I’d rather prefer you guys do not screw with natural order of things, I don’t mind if someone posts that, for example, it starts raining. But make sure everyone else notes it.

· Do not feel fear when posting something you might consider “way too crazy”. As long as we have fun…who cares!

è That being said, do not abuse this. You’re no Superman, you can’t expect to always do crazy things and come out alive.

· Have fun!




We live in a stagnant future.

Natural resources are scarce. The poor countries are on the verge of self-destruction; the favorite places of low-life scums. Drugs, prostitution, slave trafficking and human decadence runs rampant through these places. The rich countries? They blocked themselves from the perils of outside a long time ago. There’s no “unity” anymore. Everyone minds their own fucking business. UN? OECD? WTO? Forget about those.

Some years ago, a giant spaceship crashed on Greece. Thessalonica vanished completely under the immense object, and with it, one million citizens. The first reaction was panic. Alien attack? The whole world grabbed pitchforks and torches, ready to beat up whatever monster would come out of it. But the ship never moved. It did nothing. Years passed. People went from fear to anger, to sorrow for the lost people who would never ever be seen again, to acceptance. That giant ship? It couldn’t be moved. It couldn’t be destroyed, or lifted. Every single attempt on doing something to it was a failure. Nowadays it is just considered a monument to the crushed city. A monument to the crushed citizens.

People blamed aliens. Or God. Or the Government. No one really knows where the spaceship came from. No one cares at this point.

What most people don’t know is that:

The spaceship brought monsters, indeed. Incidentally, that wasn’t the spaceship’s intention. The monsters are parasites brought from a different system. Beasts without ethics, but with high intelligence.

The spaceship emits energy. A different kind of energy, that only affect a handful of humans. These people gain a special, unique ability.

A small organization called T.E.C.H. privately funded by an eccentric millionaire has been gathering those who have been baptized by this energy. Though the true purpose of T.E.C.H. is unknown, their primary objective is exterminating these monsters that have infiltrated society. All the people on-board T.E.C.H. was convinced to participate one way or the other, despite knowing the risks. How? I don’t really know, pal.


All I know is that…things have just started. I can’t explain you more, now. You’ll understand, just give it time. Try not to lose your head, though.


Don’t mind me, I’ll be okay.

Meet you later.






(Things in * are not required to be fulfilled)








Physical build: (Can be a picture of the character, a description or both)

Psychological profile:



How did T.E.C.H. convinced you to join?*:



· A Compass-shaped artifact.

· T.E.C.H.’s self-defense Stunt Rods.

· [Whatever item you desire]


Character traits:

· The ability to kill monsters from outer space.

· The ability to manipulate strange energy.

· [Whatever trait you’d like to put here. Medic? Firearm guy? Karate expert? A pro with computers? Your average joe?]





Extra info*: