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Microsoft Mocks Sony With “Destiny Fragrance”


Microsoft, in the run up to the Destiny launch, one of the most widely anticipated games of the year (releasing on September 9th, in case you have been hiding under a rock), has launched its own Destiny counter-advert campaign. Except, it’s not technically for the game, it’s for Destiny Fragrance.


According the perfume advert online here, Microsoft had no permission to run adverts for the game, and so they’re advertising this completely separate product instead. Bungie, the creators of Destiny can be claimed to be favouring Sony for some time now, annoying a lot of their Xbox fan base. Naturally the Destiny Fragrance  the advert does clearly relate to Destiny, and the link through gives you options to buy the Xbox One and Destiny game bundle.


It appears as if Microsoft is teasing Sony about its exclusive rights to advertise for the release, and is attempting to build a loop hole around it. Whether Sony finds it funny or copyright infringing is yet to be seen, however it should be noted that Microsoft has a similar deal with Activision about Call of Duty.


Destiny will be released for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One; a PC version isn’t currently scheduled, but developed Bungie didn’t rule it out completely for the future.


