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I think novelty applies more to casual gamers. They are the ones that could get tired of the wiimote, since gaming isn't what they previously were doing. And if they get tired, they'll exit the market all together. So for PS3 and X360 advocates, the novelty wearing off will not improve sales of the PS3 or X360 as dramatically as reducing sales of the Wii. As a whole the industry suffers, and that can't be a good thing for anybody, in particular gamers, because of reduced sales. So we had better hope that the novelty doesn't wear off, at least not too quickly until it has became a consumer staple. For gamers, the novelty will undoubtedly wear off. However, the wiimote and nunchuk are more than mere novelties, they are themselves perfectly capable replacements for a more traditional controller. For gameplay it's only because people are not used to the new setup that they have so much to complain about, but I think they'll come around to accepting them. The "traditional" controller pad has been around for over 15, 20 years... you can't reasonably think that controllers will stay in that form forever. The Wii controllers might not be the most optimal set, and currently there might be precision issues, but you can count on improvements down the road now that the concept has been proven viable, if not a downright smash hit. I'd say it's alsmot a sure bet that both Microsoft and Sony will themselves come up with sophisticated motion sensitive controllers. They have too many smart people not to start thinking in that direction. It's hard to say if motion sensitivity will suit all games--even Nintendo doesn't think they suit sophisticated fighting games (Brawl). However, even for this current generation of motion sensitive controllers, which are far from being perfect, I would say that more games will gravitate towards them the opposite. Even for Brawl, I'd be interested to see what motion sensitive controller scheme they come up with.

the Wii is an epidemic.