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Riot know League of Legends' Tristana "needs nerfing" - but change is unlikely before Worlds


League of Legends lore has it that Tristana always has a “kind word for everyone” - though in the lanes she’s equally generous with the buster shots to the face. In fact, the yordle commando is currently proving marginally more effective than her peers, and Riot know it. But they’re not planning to get busy with the nerfs until after this year’s Championship Series concludes at Worlds.

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Valve get the builders in to rework Counter-Strike: Global Offensive's Cobblestone


Did you know? Counter-Strike: Global Offensive celebrated its second birthday a couple of weeks back. Its community workshop is more active than ever, and 409,000 watched the ESL-One Cologne grand finals last month.

Valve are determined to fix the unbroken, however. Cobblestone is a CS:GO map scarcely six months old, but it’s had some major work done.

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Styx may break your bones: Cyanide's Dishonorable stealth game trailered


Ubisoft think they’re good at branding, but they called their Great War game Valiant Hearts and not Sassoon’s Creed.

There, that’s my Assassin’s Creed joke. Cyanide Studios have entitled their new Styx: Master of Shadows trailer ‘Assassin’s Green’, which is a second-rate pun if you ask me. But it does go some way to communicating Styx’s goblin-based stealth and verticality. Take a look.

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Total War: Rome II's free Imperator Augustus campaign to keep things civil on September 16


You might think crumbly old Emperor Augustus could be expected to turn up in the month of his own name. Imperator Septemberus, more like. If there were a Jeremarch, you can be sure I’d make a public appearance or two. But we shouldn’t grumble: a new civil war campaign for Total War: Rome II is due in a little over a week, and it’ll come as a free update on Steam.

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Ranger school: Wasteland 2's General Vargas offers survival tips


Radioactive wastelands do not encourage inhabitants to be pleasant, calm individuals. Rogue robots, mutants and gun-toting bandits don’t help, either. So in Wasteland 2, which drops on September 19th, is rife with violent encounters. 

To get you up to speed before launch, the head honcho of the rangers, General Vargas, has a few tips on how to survive. 

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Runescape players exchange in-game bonds for a flight to the UK and tickets for RuneFest


Last year, Jagex introduced a new subscription option for gold-rich Runscape players. Like EVE Online’s PLEX system, Runescape players could purchase bonds from Jagex using in-game currency. £3/$5 would net a player a 14-day subscription to the game. But those bonds could also be sold on to other players. 

In some cases, bonds have been traded for real-world benefits. Two players for the US have even been able to fund a trip to London for the RuneFest fan convention on October 11th, including flights, hotels, convention tickets and spending money for the actual event.

Given that the price of a single ticket to RuneFest is £100, and that’s probably the cheapest part of the trip, that’s mighty impressive. 

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The Unreal Engine Marketplace is open for business


The Unreal Engine Marketplace opened its doors yesterday, allowing UE4 developers to trade community-created content. 

And the number of UE4 developers looks like its set to expand - with schools now being able to get free access to the engine. Schools will be able to receive the engine updates without forking over the $19 per month subscription fee.

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