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Hoodieninja said:

Do you think she would of made it without you? Do you not think that the raising the Minimum would of eased her Burden and helped her Climb the Social Ladder faster?

Yes and no, how America has been handling the issue of Health-care is one of the worst. WE in fact pay much more than ANY other country and get little to no benefit out of it.
For the most part if you work at a MINIMUM wage job you get good and Decent health-care in fact health-care that is much more affordable than the U.S.

Yes someone needs to pay the Doctors but it's all about earning money these days in American Hospitals and big pharma which is sad.

Honestly? Yes I do. She is actually much more goal oriented and willing to go the extra mile to gain what she wants than I am. She is incredibly driven, which is why she won't settle for what she has now and still wants to further her schooling and get her RN degree, even if she has to do it slowly and it takes 5 years. She is unwilling to just "settle".

Before she even finished her nursing course (Which she finished top 10 in her class) she already had a job lined up at a pediatric doctors office. She then earned a promotion to nursing supervisor and ran the floor. She did this after just one year working there. However it still did not pay as well as what she has now, where she cares for a 4-year old boy with severe cerebral palsy who she loves as if he were her own.


I also agree it is absurdly high. When I first started at my current job back in 2008 my family medical was $37/week. It more than doubled in 6 years, so I won't argue with you there. However, I am not sure a place like a Burger King or a McDonald's, which many are independantly owned, can offer medical coverage. While someone like Latoya might have to pay $75/week, the establishment also needs to pay a boat load into it just to keep the costs down for the employees.

It really isn't something you are going to see happen. It's too expensive.

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