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Consoles, almost by definition, were home-consoles.  And basically, that is still true.  However the Wii seems to be trying to break out of that mode, along with the other traditions that were followed by game consoles. 

Now, we've all seen the articles.  Wii in retirement homes, in cruise lines, Six Flags and other amusement places, bars, for therapy (Wii-hibilitation).  With Wii Fit, it will make it into gyms and other health places.

It makes for great advertising, and getting non-gamers a chance to see the Wii when otherwise they might not.  But are all of these places combined enough to make a noticable amount of sales?  Say, 5% of total sales.

Your opinion.  Are all of these just merely fluff?  Or do you think as I do, that they do help convince others to buy Wiis, but by themselves are not all that significant?  Or do these places buy enough to see a meaningfull amount of sales?  Any estimates on how many now are sold to non-home environments?    Life time estimates?

Are there other 'non-traditional' places buying Wiis that I didn't list? 


Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.