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curl-6 said:
PwerlvlAmy said:
If Nintendo makes this my 2015, I will be happy

Mario Maker
Yoshi's Wooly World
Star Fox
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Fatal Frame 5
Zelda U

Mario Party 10
Mario vs Donkey Kong(forgot its name)

that's 11 games that we KNOW about. If they announce some new stuff and put Pokken Fighters on console in 2015 along with it then 2015 would be stacked

but who knows what will happen to these titles in all honesty

I'd be damn happy with this lineup, but I don't expect the bolded ones to make 2015 sadly. 2016 most likely, I reckon.

I'd say Fatal Frame 5 has the better chance of releasing in 2015 over Zelda. Zelda is the biggest title Nintendo has created and its ''open world''. Knowing how Nintendo is with their own quality control,it would be safe to assume it would be pushed back since this is their first time doing something this ambitious for them.

Fatal Frame  5 however is done. Its releasing this month in Japan. Chances of localizing it in 2015 are pretty high

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