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RedArmia said:
Auron said:
dgm6780 said:
wii is a different market, PS3 is in the HD market and they are well on thier way to winning it

You PS3 fanboys are almost as delusional as the Xbots, face it Ninty got it right this time and the PS3 well missed the mark a little. They are still both in the HOME consolemarket and it is only Sony's fault for not selling as much as Ninty. Open your eyes fanboy.

Pot calling the kettle black, funny.

With a post like that no one would ever mistake you for a fanboy.

You fanboys need to relaize that Wii and PS3 can and will coexist, they are two way differant machines that offer two very differant experiences.

The only loser is the 360, what will you all agrue about when both wii and PS3 break 100 million consoles sold ?


 You have the gaul to call someone a fanboy after typing that last line. The PS3 is not going to sell 100 million consoles.