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"In a move that could have serious repercussions for gamers worldwide, the UK High Court has ruled that noted Hong Kong-based electronics exporter Lik-Sang is in violation of Sony's intellectual property rights when it sells the company's hardware inside the European Economic Area." Let us say that selling PSP does not pose a danger. What happens when people imports PSP and it stops working. They call up Sony and find out that they do not get support from them for thier item who looks bad? Sensible people know about the grey area they step into when they import hardware but I have been exposed to way to many people and cultures to know that people have this incredible sense of entitlement even if it doesn't make sense. Lik-Sang did do something illegal. It is Sony's IP, they have the rights to say when, where and how it is sold. Just like I was saying above it is funny about how people have this false sense of entitlement when they cry about the price of the PS3, The lik sang lawsuit, the price of the UMD's and/or the fact that the PS3 shipped with Blu Ray. You don't like it. Don't buy it. But what gives all these internet geniouses the right to dictate to Sony what they do with thier product? Who gave them the right to dictate to devs exactly how much space they "need" to make a game or what procedures/artstyle they should use. I am a Fan of the Playstation line. I thought UMD's were to expensive. Instead of whining I just didn't purchase any. If I really wanted them at a reasonable price I would have sent mail to sony about the prices. But it really is that simple. Lik-Sang did wrong. They were warned multiple times. They got sued. I feel no pity. Favorite website response: "UPDATE: As much as I hate to say it, I was wrong about this. After researching this issue further I've come to the following conclusions: 1) Technically by the letter of the law, what Lik-Sang was doing was illegal. 2) Sony was acting within their rights to sue Lik Sang. One lawsuit doesn't shut a company down. 3) Lik-Sang had the chance to fight Sony in court in London, and instead chose to not show up in court and instead close their doors. Which made me realize this one simple fact - if Lik-Sang wasn't willing to appear in court and defend their position, why am I fighting for them? While I'm really sad to see Lik-Sang go and think Sony's PR department has no grasp on reality, I've had some time to think about this. If Lik-Sang thought they were in the right they should have shown up in court and defended their position instead of just suddenly closing up shop."

Games make me happy! PSN ID: Staticneuron Gamertag: Staticneuron Wii Code: Static Wii - 3055 0871 5802 1723