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today at lunch, i was talking with my friends, all of them own a 360. so i was saying that ps3 has been outselling the 360 ww for 19 weeks, and it outsold 360 in america for 2 montyhs, and they were like "its only because sony cut the price" and they started bitching liek typical fanboys.

then i said, its not my fault or sonys fault that MS released a console a year before and lost Billions in the RROD, and you still dont get a new console when they return it.

my point is that every console goes through a price drop through its life. 360 mightve had less, but they released a piece of crap hardware to be honest, and lost billions in TRYING, to fix it.


they also said that 360 is losing because ps3 came otu last. this is false. the ps1 came out before the n64, and it still raped the n64 by more than 40 million, AND nintendo had a good rep from the snes. ps2 came out a year b4 xbox and gamecube, and otusold them by more than 3 times.


so is sony really being cheap?