PS3 owners are bored....when PS3 is still getting exclusive games
360 owners aren't bored.....despite getting the same games as PS3, but without any exclusives.
XB1 isn't selling because it pulled a Sega Saturn. It messed up the launch, killed all hype with the bad press and people are just getting a PS4. XB1 needs to show people more then it's "as good" as PS4, they need to make it better, much better, and so far they have done exactly the opposite.
Plus a lot of 360 owners (like myself) are annoying at expensive XBLG prices, poor reliability, poor customer service and....are done with Gears of War/Halo/Forza (Forza 5 being crap pushed people away from XB1 even furthur).
People don't Gears of War if it's not developed by EPIC (look at how badly Judgement sold). People don't want Forza now that they feel the franchise is being milked (look at how poorly Forza 5 sold and how little content it had). People still want Halo, but not as much as before and I bet once Destiny releases the hype for Halo will crash.
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