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ZenfoldorVGI said:
leo-j said:
Soriku said:
Wii Fit is not a game? How come you play games with it then? Home doesn't allow you to play games.

OT: Probably MGS4 and/or SSBB. But my likely PERSONAL GotY will be Tales of Symhponia: DotNW.

If you manage to somehow get your hands on the ps2 collection, trust me you will make MGS4 your goty even if you dont play it.

You're new to the series, you couldn't possibly know that MGS2 is godaweful.


Anyway, I won't comment on GotY, those are opinions. I will comment on which games this year will rank highest on metacritic and gamerankings.







So what if Im new to the series? I already beat MGS2, and all I have to say it had better bosses than MGS1 thats for sure.

You guys just diding like the story near the end, and didnt like that strut place. Its all good though, it was still a good game.

