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Since I wanted the best Wii/DVD image possible, I bought a 32'' CRT with component inputs which can display 480p natively. It also supports HD resolutions, and it has HDMI input too so I'm hoping the image is also good with the 360 I just bought (didn't receive it yet). It was much cheaper than all comparable LCDs/Plasmas, at just around 600 €.

The thing is, it doesn't seem like there are many HD CRTs being manufactured these days, even though many people say they have better image than LCDs / Plasmas. In Sweden at least, I can't find the model I bought in stores anymore. I guess most customers prefer the thinness and light weight of flat panels, and companies probably make more profit on those too, which would explain that.

If you can find a good HD CRT, I'd go with that. If the disadvantages of CRTs (weight and size IMO) are too much for you, then I can't help you much as I didn't heavily research other types of TVs.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957