Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
I don't know how else to tell you that you're just wrong. "Common Sense" is not a substitute for evidence, you have no evidence, so you have no back up for your claim. I can say TLOU:RE took 2 weeks to make and you can throw out common sense all you want, but it won't prove anything because I can say common sense too and you can't even show how common sense doesn't say I'm right. The only reason you're calling PS+ being a paid service, Anti-Consumer is because of Sony. You completely ignore, Hulu Plus, Xbox Live, Gamefly, Cable Programming, Subscription MMOs, Syndicated Network Online services, really any kind of service in existence. You all pay for it, to say PS+ is anticonsumer because you pay for it is just the ramblings of someone who doesn't know how the world works and is just trying to find a legitimate reason to voice their irrational dislike of a company's product. If you hate Sony and believe they're are anticonsumer, that's fine I won't try to convince you otherwise because irrationality is irrational, but don't try to pretend that any of your "reasoning" makes any kind of logical or even common sense. |
If you are unfamiliar with the process of game development, that doesn't invalidate common knowledge among those who are familiar with it.
And I did not ignore Xbox Live et al, they were simply not under discussion. I do think Xbox Live is anti-consumer, by the way.
As for being irrational, I'm not the one resorting to personal attacks in defence of a corporation.