Future Hearthstone expansion includes around 100 cards; "It'll be booster pack format"
If you thought the new cards within the Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramas expansion were overwhelming, think again. Speaking on Value Town, a podcast about everything Hearthstone, senior designer Mike Donais revealed some interesting information about the next expansion. Most notably was that it will include “around 100 cards”, and they’ll be gathered mainly via booster packs.
Screencheat is a game that encourages you to be "that friend" who, well, screen cheats
I’ll admit - I used to screen cheat. Back in the days where I gamed on the couch with friends, I just couldn’t help glance over and quickly scan over my opponents screen for valuable information. Eventually I became so proficient at it, I did it entirely subconsciously.
Today I can bring back that hidden talent to lay waste to my foes in a new game, aptly dubbed Screencheat. It’s a game where you’re actually encouraged to look at your friends screen in order to win. Why you ask? Well because you’re both invisible.
Mojang postpone Minecon until 2015; still to take place in London
Mojang have announced that there won’t be a Minecon this year as previously planned, instead being moved to “spring” next year where it is still to take place in London. The exact reason for the postponement is unknown, but the Mojang blog post by COO Vu Bui seems to suggest it was a problem to do with the venue.
“We want to make sure we can follow through with the event and we never want people to start planning to attend something that might not happen.”
How the indie community united to save survival game Duskers, a studio, and a dream
Duskers is a defiantly singular game. It’s “indie” in more of a “to hell with it, this one’s for me” kind of way rather than as a way to denote studio size or aesthetic. It’s unforgiving and, at first glance, deliberately obscure. You control drones exploring derelict starships in a galaxy that has gone dead, gathering scraps of supplies and avoiding combat at all costs. You have to meet Duskers on its own terms, because it makes few concessions.
It’s also Misfits Attic’s second game, and a passion project for designer Tim Keenan. It’s the game he started making just as he started to realize his indie dream was about to die. Duskers was how Keenan was choosing to go out, and he suspected he’d never even be able to finish it.
Then the indie community came to the rescue.
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