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This sound like a conformist way of life. People with such conformist views should stop asking their fellow consumers to conform their way of life, and just get over the fact that the easy majority of early adapters would rather have a Wii U then Xbox ONE according to VGChartz home page "each & every" week.

More then the majority of people would rather pay an extra 50% in ticket price to see a live-action 3D movie in 3D. Just becuase a few people might not be one of them doesn't give them the right to try to make everyone conform to their own personal lifestyle. That's just pure selfishness & forceful of anyone to try to do to their fellow man.


Face facts, people buy what interest them the most, and theres nothing any conformist can do about, no matter how loud a conformist tries to argue people out of their own personal lifestyle.


If your fellow consumer would rather have a Wii U as a secondary console, then the other of the other 2, then let them. Stop forcing conformity on other gamers, to conform to you. Let people buy what they want to buy for themself without going "Tea Party" on them.